Leanne O'Sullivan Digital Strategy for Business

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Digital Strategy - a cautionary tale.

It seemed like a good idea at the time

It was so much easier back in the day

The days of just a website.

You were so proud when your business launched that baby. Ahead of the game!

You didn't really know what it was meant to do, but you knew you needed one and as long as that logo of yours looked great, people would find you and call.

and for a while, that worked.

and then it stopped. 

So you got the youngest person in your office to help you set up a Facebook page.

You started to share stuff that everyone else seemed to be doing online.  You got quite a few likes and comments

aaaaand... not much else. 

So, it kind of worked for a while, but now, nothing.

Crickets. No Engagement, No Leads, No Sales.

So you started to worry about this whole online thing when out of the blue, you received a call from one of those online SEO business places and they promised to fix everything!

So you handed over several thousand $$$ to have them optimise your website for you, fix up your keywords and start doing some Google Ads.

But so far, you are not sure what is working or not. You don't know what to check or how. They never showed you.

and you aren't generating all calls or sales.

You recognise that you need to get more skills, so you went to a free 2 hour business event in your area. This will help me!

They said that you could learn everything you needed about Digital Marketing...but it turns out that the workshop just made you more confused than ever. 

They said you need to use email marketing more and you had better start blogging. 

This would be great you think, except you don't really know what it is you should be writing about. 

You have email marketing, but you don't really send emails as you don't have really anything to say and in the past, people just unsubscribed and didn't buy anything anyway.  

They said Instagram is the next big thing, and don’t forget the hashtags

What the?

What’s a hashtag?!?

If you nodded your head at any of the above scenarios, we seriously need to talk.

Like now.


I promise that you will leave with new knowledge and clarity after just a short session.

Imagine what I can teach you in 8 weeks.

See you inside the Digital Ascent.
