Digital Discovery Workshops

Face to Face training to get you and your business on the right path to Digital Success.

Join me in this workshop as we go on a journey of Digital Discovery. I will outline my successful 4 pronged approach to Digital Marketing. 

You will learn the key elements you need to focus on inside your business and identify what is holding you back from making a success of your online marketing plans. Reach, Traffic & Sales - if you want more of those, then this marketing workshop is exactly for you. 

Over the course of 2.5 hours ( with a short break, time for questions and some hands on work ) we will cover the following

  1. Understanding why knowing your business goals are the key to successfully implementing a digital marketing plan
  2. What web elements the most important when planning a website
  3. Which social channel your audience hangs out in
  4. Understand what we mean by content marketing and how this is key to reaching your target customers
  5. Why search is both people finding us - AND - us finding our people. 

2 sessions will be available on site at Big Blue Digital - BlueRidge Business Park, Dubbo NSW, AUSTRALIA. Tuesday 21st February 10am and then again at 5.30 pm

Places limited - so don't miss out!

Bring your laptop or tablet. WIFI available. 

Light refreshments will be served. All workshop costs ex GST.