Blogs I follow to help me grow my business

Blogs I follow to help me grow my business

As I am still on holidays (woohoo!) I thought I would share with you some of my go to blogs that both help me with my content generation ideas as well as help me grow my business.

As a business owner how much online content are you actually reading to better your approach to business?

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How to write a great blog post YOUR ideal customer will actually read in 5 easy steps

How to write a great blog post YOUR ideal customer will actually read in 5 easy steps

The real key to writing a great blog post starts and ends with your ideal customer.

You need to be 100% focussed on them - what they are looking for, what they need to solve their problem and and have understanding of the language and style that appeals to them.

That said - there are some key structural steps that any blog post needs to include to really make them stand out in a sea of content.

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